
Why bamboo is better than cotton for baby

After our son was born, my husband and I went through our fair share of cotton footie pajamas. They were fine, but they weren’t as soft as I wanted them to be for our precious angel child. Hah! Only the best for our babies!

After doing some research for a better option – I was able to find a pajama that was primarily made from bamboo…and man, was it soft. Then I went down a rabbit hole and researched all the benefits of bamboo fabric…and why it outperforms cotton on almost every level. My mind was blown – I never knew all the benefits! I’d never felt anything like it! And to be totally honest…I’d never really even heard of it.

Where I ran into trouble with the new soft bamboo pajama was the price point – it was way too high! The brands I found were almost 3x higher than the cotton pajama retail price – which didn’t seem fair. So I set out to create my own version of the perfect bamboo footie pajama at a fair price point, which is how COO BABY was born!

Below I’m sharing some of the research that lead me down the bamboo path – and why I feel so passionately that bamboo is the best fabric option for our babies!

Why is Bamboo Better than Cotton?

  • Comfort
    • Bamboo is 40% more absorbent than even the finest organic cotton – it wicks moisture away from the skin faster – which keeps baby dry and comfortable
    • Bamboo can take in 3x more water than its weight – meaning it can get rid of moisture faster
    • Cotton retains more heat than bamboo
  • Environmentally Friendly & Hypo-Allergenic
    • Bamboo is grown without pesticides, most cotton is not
    • Bamboo is a self-replenishing resource, as the bamboo tree is one of the fastest growing trees on the planet. Manufacturing poses no substantial environmental threat as their sources are easily renewable
    • One acre of bamboo yields 10x more than one acre of cotton
    • Bamboo requires no irrigation, which in turn requires 1/3 the amount of water that cotton does
    • Bamboo has antimicrobial properties referred to as “Bamboo Kun”. These natural antimicrobial bio-agents help reduce bacteria that thrive on clothing and other materials as well as on the human skin.
  • Easy to Care For
    • Bamboo will outlast cotton in keeping shape, strength, and durability three times over when cared for properly
    • Requires less washing than most cotton
    • Keeps bright colors significantly longer




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